Transparency Reporting

Michigan Department of Education (MDE) Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency Reporting

Section 18 (2)  of the Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, has been amended, which requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 30 days after a board adopts it annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget.  The Annual Budget & Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us.

I. The annual operating budget and subsequent budget revisions.

II. Using data that has already been collected and submitted to the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), a summary of district expenditures for the most recent fiscal year for which they are available, expressed in the following two (2) pie charts which were provided for the general fund of the district by the Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI):

(a) A chart of personnel expenditures broken down into the following subcategories:

  1. Salaries and Wages
  2. Employee benefit costs, including, but not limited to, medical, dental, vision, life, disability, and long term care benefits.
  3. Retirement benefits costs
  4. All other personnel costs

(b) A chart of all district expenditures, broken into the following subcategories:

  1. Instruction
  2. Support Services
  3. Business and administration
  4. Operations and Maintenance

III. Links to all of the following:

  • The current collective bargaining agreement for each bargaining unit
  • Each health care benefits plan, including, but not limited to, medical, dental, vision, disability, long-term care, or any other type of benefits that would constitute health care services, offered to any bargaining unit or employee in the district.
  • The audit report of the audit conducted for the most recent fiscal year for which it is available.

IV. The total salary and a description and cost of each fringe benefit included in the compensation package for the superintendent of the district and for each employee of the district whose salary exceeds $100,000

V. The annual amount spent on dues paid to associations

VI. The annual amount spent on lobbying services

FY 2021-2022

PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Projected Budget FY2022
PDF DocumentFood Service Budget FY2022
PDF DocumentTechnology & Safety Millage FY 2022

FY 2020-2021

PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Budget Amendment June 2021
PDF DocumentFood Service Budget Amendment June 2021
PDF DocumentTechnology & Safety Millage Budget Amendment June 2021

PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Budget Amendment Feb 2021
PDF DocumentFood Service Budget Amendment Feb 2021
PDF DocumentTechnology & Safety Millage Fund Budget Amendment Feb 2021

PDF DocumentGeneral Fun 2020-2021 Budget
PDF DocumentFood Service Fund FY 2020-2021
PDF DocumentTechnology & Safety Budget FY 2020-2021

FY 2019-2020

PDF DocumentGeneral Fund 2019-2020 Budget
PDF DocumentTechnology & Safety Millage Fund 2019-2020 Budget
PDF DocumentFood Service Fund Projected 2019-2020 Budget


PDF DocumentFood Service Second Amended Budget 2018-2019, June 2019
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Amended 2018-2019 Budget
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Projected 2018-2019 Budget
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund 2017-2018 June Amended Budget
PDF DocumentTechnology & Safety Millage Fund 2018-2019 Budget
PDF DocumentSafety and Technology Millage Fund Amended 2018-2019 Budget
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund 2017-2018 June Amendment Budget
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Amendment Budget 2018-2019
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Amendment Budget 2018-2019
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Projected 2017-2018 Budget
PDF DocumentTechnology & Safety Millage Fund Projected 2017-2018 Budget
PDF DocumentFood Service Fund Projected 2017-2018 Budget
PDF DocumentFood Service Fund Amended Budget 2018-2019
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Projected 2016-2017 Budget June Amendment
PDF DocumentTechnology Millage 2016-2017 Budget June Amendment
PDF DocumentFood Serivce Fund Projected 2016-2017 Budget June Amendment
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Projected 2016-2017 Budget April Amendment
PDF DocumentTechnology Millage 2016-2017 Budget April Amendment
PDF DocumentFood Serivce Fund Projected 2016-2017 Budget April Amendment
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Projected 2016-2017 Budget November Amendment
PDF DocumentTechnology Millage 2016-2017 Budget November Amendment
PDF DocumentFood Service Fund Projected 2016-2017 Budget November Amendment
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Projected 2016-2017 Budget
PDF DocumentJune Amended 2015-2016 General Fund Projected Budget
PDF DocumentMarch Amended 2015-2016 General Fund Projected Budget
PDF DocumentJanuary Amended 2015-2016 General Fund Projected Budget
PDF DocumentNovember Amended 2015-2016 General Fund Budget
PDF Document2015-2016 Budget
PDF DocumentJune Amended 2014-2015 General Fund Budget
PDF DocumentMay Amended 2014-2015 General Fund Budget
PDF DocumentApril Amended 2014-2015 General Fund Budget
PDF DocumentGeneral Fund Amended 2014-2015 Budget

Personnel Expenditures & Current Operating Expenditures

PDF Document2020-2021 Operating Expenditures

PDF Document2020-2021 Personnel Expenditures

PDF Document2020-2021 Education Service Provider Operating Expenditures

PDF Document2020-2021 Education Service Provider Transparency Expenditures Report

Audited Financial Statements

PDF DocumentFinal Financial Audit FY2021

Employee Compensation Information

 PDF DocumentSuperintendent Salary 20-21

District Paid Association Dues

PDF Document2020-2021 District Paid Association Dues

District Paid Lobbying Costs

There were no district paid lobbying costs for 2020-2021.

District Paid Out-of-State Travel Information

There was no out-of-state travel for 2020-2021.

Expense Reimbursements

PDF Document2020-2021 Board and Employee Reimbursements

Sec. 98b Goal Progress Report

February 2022 *Presentation will be uploaded after the February 28, 2022 Board Meeting.*

Superintendent Evaluation: MASB Evaluation Tool
Administrator Evaluation: School ADvance Evaluation Tool
Teacher Evaluation: 5D+ Evaluation Tool
Muskegon County Section 95a: Evaluation Training Plan

MICIP Portfolio Report MHA

MICIP Portfolio Report MLK

Families can request 23g services by contacting the Central Office Administrative Assistant by calling 231.830.3703.

What is 23g MI Kids Back on Track?

The MI Kids Back on Track grant funds (MCL388.1623g) will support programs provided before school, during school, after school, or during the summer. These funds are designed to address unfinished learning, get students to grade-level academic standards, provide additional academic assistance to students at risk of falling behind their peers, or help high school students prepare for postsecondary education.

What is a FOIA Request?

The Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), MCL 15.231 - 15.246, provides for public access to certain public records, permits the charging of prescribed fees and deposits, and provides remedies and penalties for non-compliance. A person has a right to inspect, copy, or receive copies of certain requested public records. Some public records are permitted or required not to be disclosed. Muskegon Heights Public School Academy System is a public body that must comply with the FOIA. The District has established policy #8310, to implement the FOIA. For purposes of this policy, the terms outlined within these documents have the same meaning as defined in FOIA.  Paper copies of this policy are available upon request by a visitor at the District's Administrative Building, located at 2441 Sanford Street, Muskegon Heights, MI  49444.


How Long Does it Take to Receive a FOIA Request?

Initial Response – Within 5 Business Days (Business days = consecutive weekdays, other than Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays, regardless of when the particular district is open for public business)

Ways Muskegon Heights Public School Academy System may respond:

grant the request;

issue a written denial notice;

grant the request in part and deny it in part; or

issue notice that extends the response time for no more than 10 business days.  If Muskegon Heights Public School Academy System claims this extension, it must respond by granting or denying the request within 15 business days of receiving the initial request


Is There a Cost Involved with a FOIA Request?

Muskegon Heights Public School Academy System may charge labor costs per the list below:

The actual cost of labor of employees searching for, locating, examining, separating exempt and non-exempt material, redacting material.

Hourly wage of lowest-paid employee who is capable of the work, regardless of who actually does the work

Charge in 15-minute increments rounded down

If a non-employee separates exempt and non-exempt material or does the redaction:

Maximum labor cost for those outsourced tasks = 6 times the state minimum wage

No charge allowed if redacted version already exists

Fringe benefit and overtime costs can be added.

Up to 50% to the applicable labor charge to cover the cost of fringe benefits associated with that labor

Overtime can only be included if “over time is specifically stipulated” by the requestor

The cost of postage and paper used in copies may be charged.

If requestor stipulates non-paper and the district has the technological capacity to comply, it must provide non-paper.

If there is a cost associated with producing such a record, the “actual and most reasonably economical cost” of the media may be charged.

If the paper is provided, the “actual total incremental cost” of the copies may be charged.

Limits – no more than 10 cents/sheet, utilizing double-sided printing if economical and available

If materials are mailed, they will be sent in a “reasonably economical and justifiable manner”

No charge for expedited mail or insurance unless stipulated by requestor

Deposits from requesters may be charged.

50/50 Rule – If the cost is estimated to be over $50, Muskegon Heights Public School Academy System may charge a maximum deposit that is half of the total estimated fee.

Requestors with a history of nonpayment

If Muskegon Heights Public School Academy System has not been paid the costs of previous FOIA requests, it may require the requestor to make a 100% deposit before it begins fulfilling the request. See MCL 15. 234(11)-(13) for more details.

Sample FOIA Request

Click Link For Michigan Sample FOIA Request

FOIA Officer

Mr Holmes can be reached by email:

Deficit Elimination Plan

The District has not incurred a deficit and was not required to file a deficit elimination plan with MDE.

District Credit Card Information

PDF DocumentCredit Card Information

District Procurement Policy

PDF DocumentBusiness Operating Procedures and Federal Awards Administration Manual – Rev. 1

Expense Reimbursement Policy

PDF DocumentPolicy 0144.11 Reimbursement of Expenses

Current Bargaining Agreements

Because our staff is hired through a third party vendor, there were no bargaining agreements.

Employer Sponsored Health Care Plans

Because our staff is hired through a third party vendor, we did not sponsor health care plans.

Medical Benefit Plan Bids

Because our staff is hired through a third party vendor, we did not request medical benefit plan bids.

Board Minutes

Jan 27, 2025